phobia project

1. phobia - a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often recognized as irrational

2. arsonphobia - fear of fire
chirophobia - fear of hands
euphobia - fear of hearing good news
maniaphobia - fear of insanity
zeusophobia - fear of god or gods

3. acrophobia - fear of heights
i will shoot someone's feet or the lower half of their body hanging off a ledge
model - friend
i'll show the phobia by not showing where most of the person's body is
i'll shoot this image lying on the ground, from the side of the ledge, or so the view is facing down

nephophobia - fear of clouds
i will shoot a view of the sky and someone pinching a cloud
model - friend
i'll show the phobia by picking a part of the sky where there are a lot of clouds
i'll shoot this image lying on the ground

clinophobia - fear of going to bed
i will shoot someone covered in blankets but with their eyes wide open
model - friend
i'll show the phobia by making the room dark and putting more light on the person's face so their fear is the focus
i'll shoot this image from the foot of a bed

4. vignette, simplicity, lots of contrast or lots of dark colors


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