
Showing posts from January, 2019

newspaper design #1


prompt shoot

so it begins  color pop  to do list   something old in your hands

shutterbug websites

The intention of the website is to provide information and reviews on the world’s latest in photography technology. On the website there are reviews on products, tutorials on photography techniques, an inside look at what different photographers around the world are doing, and the history of photography and photography laws. From going to that website an average viewer can gather information on various camera related products such as dslrs and lenses. The viewer can also get inspiration for photo or shoot ideas from the vass collection of photos on the website. This would be a good website to bookmark because it is useful in many ways and i’m always looking for good products and inspiration to help with my photography. I would rate this website a 4 because it seems very helpful and full of good information for photographers. I learned that the website was first developed ten years ago and that it now has a whole team of people working on it. They have grown a lot on social media since ...

self portrait vs. selfie

1. a selfie is a is a photograph taken by someone of themselves with a smartphone or a webcam and shared via social media 2. a self portrait is a portrait than artist produces of themselves 3. the main difference between self portraits and selfies is that selfies are very basic and self portraits are more a form of art and a different process is used to take each. 4. i prefer self portraits because they are more artistic and pleasing to look at whereas selfies are boring and anybody with an electronic device can take one. 5. self portraits are more valuable than selfies because people take hundreds of selfies to only choose a couple that they really like. self portraits are more planned out, thoughtful, and have some form of meaning behind them. they are seen as a form of art.

phobia project

1. phobia - a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often recognized as irrational 2. arsonphobia - fear of fire chirophobia - fear of hands euphobia - fear of hearing good news maniaphobia - fear of insanity zeusophobia - fear of god or gods 3. acrophobia - fear of heights i will shoot someone's feet or the lower half of their body hanging off a ledge model - friend i'll show the phobia by not showing where most of the person's body is i'll shoot this image lying on the ground, from the side of the ledge, or so the view is facing down nephophobia - fear of clouds i will shoot a view of the sky and someone pinching a cloud model - friend i'll show the phobia by picking a part of the sky where there are a lot of clouds i'll shoot this image lying on the ground clinophobia - fear of going to bed i will shoot someone covered in ...

welcome back pt 3

1. over break i got another camera for christmas 2. my resolutions are to take more pictures and have more stories to tell 3. i'm looking forward to a fresh start and new adventures

welcome back pt 2

1. the best song of the year was africa by toto because after all these years it's still such a banger, and everyone i know freaks out when it starts playing. every year it becomes more and more popular and i really have no idea why. it's honestly kind of a mediocre song but it's so loved and it's really funny. 2. the best movie of the year was won't you be my neighbor. i grew up watching mr rogers so of course that documentary was amazing and made me cry a lot. 3. the most important news story of the year to me was when beto almost won against cruz. i actually cried checking the polls that whole night and i had to leave school at some point the next day because i was so disappointed in texas. 4. the most important person of 2018 was the march for our lives activists. they organized many protests and went around the country campaigning for stricter gun laws and that's really admirable and brave. 5. the biggest sports person of the year was colin kae...

welcome back pt 1

i liked this photo because i feel like i've only seen shots like this in the movies and it's interesting from that perspective. i liked this photo because only the top of his head is poking out and it looks funny. i liked this photo because the guy is mourning over the death of the last rhino and that's really sad.