ethics in fashion photography
1. eye, brow, and neck lift, airbrushed skin, bigger hair? bigger eyes, lips 2. flattened her stomach, changed hair color, made her legs slimmer and longer, eyes bigger, airbrushed her face, heightened her neck, made her lips and pupils bigger, changed her overall skin tone. 3. pepperoni used as a swimsuit, cheese turned into skin 4. no because it sets unrealistic beauty standards for women. 5. if the model was black then changing anything regarding his/her skin color would be completely unacceptable. 6. making changes to a model's hair or adding a filter are acceptable changes 7. fashion photography is a type of photography where the main focus is the clothes, (makeup too?) and other aspects of the fashion world. these pictures include models, and if they're being put on big billboards and posters in big cities there's pressure for them to be the closest to perfect they can get. photojournalism is taking pictures of people and things in their element, foc...